Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: In an world that's radically different from just 10 years ago, how can education stay relevant to our rapidly evolving realities? In this issue, we've been blown away by a university where the city is your classroom, a middle school that amplifies kindness, and 7 ways to help high schoolers find purpose. --Daniela

A Perfect University?

Each semester, students live in a different city. Last year, a dean taught class from an airplane seat while on book tour. Minerva Schools at KGI is redefining college-- and stakeholders weigh in on the pros and cons.

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Middle School Kindness Day

"I felt the true joy of kindness when I left work today. Our hard-working custodian came up to me and was all smiles, laughter and bewilderment..." 15 volunteers join forces with a middle school's intention to amplify kindness.

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7 Ways To Help High Schoolers Find Purpose

He asked thousands of teens what they think of school. The majority answer? Disengaged or incredibly pressured. What would a high school look like that helps students actively seek a sense of purpose?

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Be The Change Idea

Expose students to the world at their fingertips. Plan a meaningful field trip, bring in a guest speaker, or hold a discussion around a current event topic.