Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: From a seaside Boston suburb where teens mingle with senior citizens at school, to research on how mindsets shape our lives, and how one teacher gives her second graders ownership over their learning-- these unconventional stories remix and re-imagine modes of schooling that harmonize with our 21st Century lives. --Daniela

Two Mindsets That Shape Us

"One of the most basic beliefs we carry about ourselves has to do with how we view and inhabit what we consider to be our personality." Carol Dweck unearths how fixed vs. growth mindsets shape our actions and sense of self-- in science, school, and love.

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When Elders Go To High School

A tendency toward unruly cafeteria behavior is one thing the senior citizens in this seaside town have in common with local youth, but it's not the only thing. The airy faiclity that hosts knitting circles, card games and exercise classes also shares space with the high school.

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Teachers as Learners, Students as Leaders

Why do some classrooms look the same now as they did 70 years ago? Second grade teacher Kayla Delzer gives students ownership of their learning-- by using technology purposefully and actively releasing the power in the classroom.

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Be The Change Idea

As the first article inspires, practice presence rather than praise with your students and colleagues this week. [more]