Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: What do a high school teacher, Mr. Rogers, and successful mentors have in common? They all help young people succeed. The articles in today's newsletter remind us that we all can make a difference in a student's or mentee's life. --Daniela

High School Purpose

What would a high school look like that helps students seek a sense of purpose? One teacher shares the seven guiding principles he would use in a purpose-learning program.

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Mr. Roger's Guidelines

Get inspired by Mr. Roger's extraordinary understanding of how children make sense of language and follow along as a simple idea is turned into a powerful statement.

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What The Best Mentors Do

What does it take to be a good mentor? Read about the four steps successful mentors take to help others succeed.

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Be The Change Idea

Be the person you needed when you were younger. Tune into a conversation with a remarkable teacher, who's motto is just that. [more]